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Thinking About A Number Of The Current Strategic Adjustment Of Agricultural Structure

Posted on:2001-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GaoFull Text:PDF
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Structure readjustment is taken as the longstanding there in dereloning china's nativnal eunomy. in the process of dereooping as riculture and rural eccncmy reakjusting end optirnzing the structure of agriculture pctims scrsistently. The curret readjustment has antributed greatly to not only the agricututeo productun but aoso the spread and irnprorement of asro-science and technology It heops esta boish the operatire mechanism appoicasoe to the demands of rncrket economy. Four points that follow are characteristic of the accrrent agro-structure readjustment:( 1 )the transformation from seller arket into purchase market; (2)agro-products of quclify and diversity in demend by the public ; (3) compound objectives of the readjustment; (4)the operative mechanism open to market~ fri readjusting agro-structure the pollowing principles should be observed: (1 )conforining to market favors ; (2)bringing area superiority into play ; (3)relying on advanced S and T ; (4)utilizing economy means ; (5)increasing comprehensive productivity ; (6)esteeming the decision-making rower of reasants For the purpose of anniying virtuclly there principles into practivai wake it is crucial to handle the relativs between (l)readjusting the structure of agriculture and raising comprehensive producflvity ; (2) market fones and area superiority; (3)regulation of soverment and the decision-making power of pecsconts The guidelines for readjusting the structure of agriculture are follows: In the field of farming, the readjustment aims at dereooping an agriculture fecturing high yieods, Fine quaoity and high efficiercy on the basis of integrating output. quaoety. structure and effectreness along with laying an ernphesis on regnlating distribution of area, oay out of crops and strains and quality. With regcrd to fishing. animal husbandry should be taken as the major industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural
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