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Study Of Cooperative Financial Regulatory Issues

Posted on:2001-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002451756Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1. The purpose and meaning of this acadendc thesisThough corporate finance is not a new-born thing in China, itstrack of development had diveIged from the normal in the past.Nowadays in corporate finance system, there are great latent financialrisks. Many rural and urban credit cooperatives have troubles inoperation, and some of them are even at the edge of insolvency.Financial crisis may occur unexpectedly if this situation could not bechanged. Some non - financial organs, e. g. the rural cooperativefund source, had caused disturbances in financial system and theadverse effectS still exist deeply in the social life. The risks should becontrolled and the crisis should be curbed in this field, so theinspecting system on corporate finance should be perfected.A good finance inspecting system will prevent the wholeeconomy from disturbances resulted from financial risks and crises,and to cUrb the financial crisis is the core and responsibility of thefinance inspecting system. The latent risks and losses soffered, aredue to the poor finance inspecting syStem to some eatent. NrmdaySin China, there are many non -- financial offians in nanle ofcorPOrate finance being neglected by the finance inspecting syStem.WithOut strict restraint, they had very bad effects on the whOle creditand monetary syStem.Recently, imPOrtance has been attached to the financeinspecting systeIn and the quality Of which has been thOUght tO be the.most imPOrtant factor that affectS the development of one ecompfol1dring that of the monetary POlicy. Due tO tl1e above basis,inspection on corporate finance should nO be neglected both in theoryand in practice, and the develOPment of the credit cOOPeratives inChina should be accOmPanied by moe strict regulation syStem.2. Philosophy and the lOgical strUcthe Of this thesisThe core of finance regulation is to Prevent risks and to curb. 1crises, and the primary predrise Of which is to discem the propertiesand characteristics Of risks precisely and objectively. On the basis offinding faultS in recent corporate finance insPecting system, the thesismaintains series Of practical measures and policy proposals, withforeign experience for reference, to imProve the regulation ndeffect' Fdriermoe, the paper assortS the risks confronied into bocategOries: the general risks and the special risks, the foimr lies inalI aspectS Of banking system and the latter is c1osely related to thefeatUres and characteristics Of the credit cooperatives'To begin with, the paper cldrifies the properties,characteristics, functions and role of ti1e credit cooperatives with aspecial nOe to the specialties ekisting in the cOnfiguration ofonganization, the form of operation and the mode of eamingsdistribution. Next, the paper exPlores the perspective Of the corPOratefinance in China on revidring the history of the corPorate finance.Finally, aller dividing the risks confronted into bo categOries, thepaper puts fompd POlicy measures and proPOSa1s tO perfect theinspecting syStem and tO irnPrOVe regulation wOili effect on creditcooperatives.3. The main contents and viempoints Of this thesisThe paper consists of three part. The first part begins wtthgiving the concept Of tl1e corPorate finance, pointing out thatcorporae finance is a form Of financial inStitutions. Then the paperdiscusses the characteristics and properties of corporate finance frOtnitS innate character, its form of oPeration and its proprietoship.theeover, the paper analyzes the specia1ties in the coIifiguration ofo4anization, the form of operation and ti1e mode of eamingsdistribution of corPOrate finance. NOicing that as one member Ofbanking system which can create credit because they deal with..imneya very special thing, the paper stresses that corPOratefinance also produces great impact on the stability Of the whole credit' and monetary syStem' Afer that, the paper exPlores the special...
Keywords/Search Tags:Cooperative
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