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The Establishment Of The Angang Grassroots Units Directly Under The Leadership Team Member Appraisal System

Posted on:2001-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360002451999Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
rishan lion and Steel (iroup (mplex (.\ISC) i~ ~n especial large Cdk 11011 afl(1 stee1niakng itcntcd cntctric. ill t1\ cbuilt ut after the 100IILLIIIg 01 iii c 1~cp1cs Republic ot Uuna.n itli 1]XCLI ~ISSCk Uj) tO 50 billion Y I Id 11(1K N 113) ai id eaj iacities ci?ii on 9 inillioii [a. steel 8. 51 nillioi i [a and i oIled steel 6.8 million ta.. [here ate 180 thousand staff and workers rinlit now and 192 plants in AISC. including 69 basic units subordinated to AISC?with 50 thousand stall and woic; snd 811 kadens at-c :ox c xicc dotcetor of plants (di\ions). Ic a ereal cx ktil, die l)fOdUCtiUil atiJ iiia nasi.ncnt ks els are deter? tuiitid 1w the clfcc ts of leadino &c01ip of the Uflit SUI)OUdifldted to AfS(. As a t-eult it ts essentially important br the production and management of the basic Uflit iU ISC to checking Ofl the nieuibets of leading gtoup and choositu2, cotnjxMcrit ICJ(kfs At present, the rc(ltlWCnientS of leaders qiabtication are becoming higl icr and higher in eiitctptie with the economic dexlopmcnt and keen market colnpelitiotl. he staridIar(I. regulation. iilCthiO(l an(1 way of current examination and evaluation system are behind the change and (leveloplncnt 01 die situation. [he irnf)rovcrncnt IT1CaSUTCS aie put l(WWflf(l esl)CciahlV on exanin? atton afl(l calti1ion standard and method in terms of the existing pm oblcni in the paper alter amount of investgatioii has been conducted, the inatti dis~tmstons are as fellows: I .1)etennination of main and subdiitintiniiIlues for quahtication examination audi evalution standard. use of tool [ci (letcrnhininu ahtuc and (1uatitizatioti of standards. 2.Itnpmvetncr of check tncthed, data pricessing of eamniuation and evalution results and method of error acljttstment. etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Establishment
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