Human Capital Property Rights And Institutional Innovation | Posted on:2002-10-21 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis | Country:China | Candidate:W H Gong | Full Text:PDF | GTID:2206360032454840 | Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education | Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request | Based on the fundamental framework of Marxism, this article analyzes human resources in view of property rights, utilizing the theory of western property rights and related theory of modern enterprise. Institution innovation determines the importance of laborer in human capital property rights and endows the laborer property rights. Advocating the rights of average laborer is the main purpose of the dissertation.The context of the article follows the rout: theory preparation-theory expansion-theory application. First, the author analyzes the general laborer property rights and then surveys the special laborer property rights in socialism. Finally, he explores the method and arrangement to establish laborer property rights from institution innovation.1.Modern human capital property rights theory assesses the human resources' attribution to modern economy and proves the importance of human capital to economic development. Karl Marx gives more consideration on human. Basing on the theory of labor value, he analyzes the labor ownership and reveals the capital ownership deprives the labor ownership.The author defines the human capital property rights as transaction related and possesses excluding characteristic. Transaction is an important concept, which reveals the dynamic change of human resources capital property rights. The tradable characteristic of human resources capital property rights separates it into a series of specific behavior rights and economic interests. Human resources capital property rights define the vehicle of human resources capital property rights and the behavior boundary of other related interests parties. From this point, human resources capital property rights reflect the context of social relationship among people. The value of defining human resources capital property rights is their basic social functions. The dissertation discusses the issue from stimulating, resources allocation and income allocation.The survey on the characteristics of human resources capital property rights is of vital importance as it establishes the basic value system of human resources capital property rights: the vehicle of human resources should enjoy the human resources capital property rights and its function is to provide stimulation.The author analyzes the issue from three angles. Human resources capital property rights have their subjective initiative and they couldn't be separated from their vehicle, which determines that the vehicle of human resources should enjoy the human resources capital property rights. Historically, the institution of human resources capital property rights experience a history of compulsory dividend to half compulsory dividend, then unite again. Such transition associates with the following rule: efficient institution arrangement of human resources capital property rights inevitably reflects the characteristics of human resources capital property rights. The characteristics of human resources capital property rights determine that their vehicle should be people.2.The author assesses the human resources capital property rights by relating them to the dominant role of labor. Such a relationship reveals the Marx's thoughts on future society and future labor property rights and laborer's social status. Marx believes the laborers' individual private ownership is the essential requirements of future social economic. Laborers' individual private ownership is a trinity of laborer's individual private ownership, productivity and labor individual ownership and consumer material individual ownership. In other words, laborer's individual private ownership is the form of individual characteristics freedom in social relationship.Judged by Marxism value system, human capital property rights under social society are a whole new property rights form, and possess extreme advantage against capitalism.However, in reality, social society establishes a communism property rights and collective property rights, and social productive materials are under uniform allocation and... | Keywords/Search Tags: | human capital property rights, stimulation, dominant role of labors, institution innovation. | PDF Full Text Request | Related items |
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