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The Chinese Stock Market System Construction Of A Number Of Issues Discussed

Posted on:2003-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis mainly deals with issues of the changes of the stock market on the background of China's entry into the WTO. With the main line of securities issuing and transferring, this thesis raises concrete analysis on the questions among them, they are securities issuing, market segmentation, insider dealing, affiliated dealing, information revealing. And the thesis also draws relevant opinions and policy suggestions for the institutional constructions of China's stock market. China is now in the process of economy transformation, which is the fundamental judgment and analysis setting point of this thesis. In the process, institution scarcity is an important cause that gives rise to problems. An economy without the restraint of institution leads to people's lack of steady anticipation of the stages and events in the whole operation of the economy is a random and subject-based economy, which is heavily weighted against China's economic reform and opening. Lack of reasonable and effective institution supply and lack of high efficient institution implementation will cause not only the securities market but also the whole economy to be caught in a disadvantageous "path-dependent" circulation of development misconceptions. The period of China's economic development now is the most important time or carrying out. The imperfect of institution construction in many fields hinders the development of the economy. It is necessary for us to learn from the foreign developed countries' successful experience and perfect institution system to develop our institution construction. The author began to think about these questions quite long ago. During my work, the questions in thought have gradually concretized and specified with a concentration on China's stock market, and formed my own opinions of some concrete questions. This thesis covers six parts. As the introduction, the first part gives a general picture of the present situation of China's stock market, based on which it raises the problems to be dealt with. Meanwhile, this part illustrates in detail the ground of the study method of this thesis. The second part begins with the analysis of the concrete questions. It discussed some problems, which exist in the period of stock issuing and gives some suggestions of perfecting stock issuing system. The third part concerns the elaboration of market segmentation of our stock market, which included the question of B stock market and the circulation of state owned stock. The fourth part involves the analysis of insider dealing. Expounds the international compare of the definitions, punish rules and compensation system of civil case. So that gives advices for our standardization of insider dealing. The fifth part comprises the affiliated dealing. On the base of definition of affiliated dealing and inappropriate affiliated dealing, the thesis analyses the influential and gives a piece of suggestions. The last part analyzes information revealing. Trying to give concrete solutions of stand and perfection of the problem. Views of this thesis and policy suggestions are found in every parts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stock Market, Institution
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