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Asset Securitization In China Application Mode

Posted on:2005-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360122966952Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Assets securitizations are supported by specific assets in certain environment, Arrange through the structure, separate and make up the risk and income in the assets, Reach a kind of finance innovative activity sold and circulate. The study on assets securitizations of our country begins in the beginning of the 1990s. At that time, relied mainly on foreign relevant theory of introduction and case mainly, because met the obstacle on a lot of environment and system in using. So, say generally, the course has not appeared yet in our country for the real assets securitization.This text has carried on the relatively deep positive research to the concrete environment of China on the basis of analysing the foreign ripe theory. Try hard to look for a kind of feasible route that can implement the assets securitization in our country. The focal point studied is to some generalizations of carrying on the theory of concrete financing activity that are developed in our country's market at present on the basis of holding the securitization essence of the assets. About some with some specialities of securitization of the assets. And route carry on deep research relatively method to carry on securitization, and hope to go out of a way of innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:assets securitization Trust plan, land development, trust of real estate investment, state-run assets withdraw, MBO, ESOP
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