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Further Improve The Legal System Of China's Administrative Responsibility

Posted on:2005-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L DiFull Text:PDF
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In the last few years, corrupt phenomena and a variety of accidents arising from negligence take place frequently in China. The issues on administrative obligation shall be taken seriously. So far, there is no specialized law of administrative obligation in China. The current system of China's administrative obligations is composed of law norms relevant to administrative obligations. A lot of laws administrative statutes divisional regulations local statutes party disciplines . legal explanations etc. involve in administrative obligations. But these provisions or much or little exist some shortages. Therefore, it is beneficial to further perfecting the current system of administrative obligations law to explore the lawmaking conditions and shortages of the current administrative obligations in China.This article illustrates the concept of the administrative obligation law at first. It is totally divided into three parts discussing how to perfect the current system of China's administrative obligation law. The first part analyzes the lawmaking conditions of the current administrative obligations in China. It introduces connotation classifications and characteristics of administrative obligation, Based on the theory discussed above, it introduces the lawmaking conditions of the current system of China' s administrative obligations and makes substantial statistics analysis and case discussion. The second part analyzes the lawmaking shortages and reasons of the current system of China's administrative obligations and further deals with the challenges that the current system of China' s administrative obligation law will face after China' s entry into WTO. The third part puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the current system of China' s administrative obligation law.The creations of this article are: the urgency of making A Law of Administrative Obligation; the illustration of the new course -the administrative obligation law; the formulation of the characteristics of administrative obligation; the method of the substantial statistics analysis of the current system of China' s administrative obligation law; analysis of the lawmaking shortages and reasons of the current system of China' s administrative obligations and the formulation of the basic principles of the administrative obligation law.
Keywords/Search Tags:the administrative obligation law, administrative obligation, administrative statutes, divisional regulations
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