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Study Of Corporate Energy-saving Voluntary Agreements

Posted on:2006-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360152487847Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The social and economic development goals has put forward the new challenges for energy efficiency and energy deveplopment in the future. Voluntary Agreement(VA) is widely adopted as the national policy for the CO2 emission reduction.Voluntary Agreement(VA) is an agreement voluntarily signed by an individual industrial organization or enterprise with the government, aiming ai energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.This article details the experience and practices of international Voluntary Agreement(VA),as well as the characteristics of VA.Most Chinese production technologees ate with poor energy dfficiency, thus making them to be with great potentials in this regard. The article analyses the differences between China and the advanced countries in implementing enterprise voluntary emission reduction activity and then identifies the main obstacles of China to implement it.Finally, based on the successful international experience of Voluntary Agreement, it also conducts a study on the mode of demonstration and promotion of Voluntary Agreement in China's industries. And the article attempts to provide suitable propaganda and policy suggestions to China characteristic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy-saving
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