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Network Service Provider Copyright Infringement

Posted on:2006-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The advent of internet symbolizes another stride of information revolution of the mankind. This miraculous invention, originally for military use, though had been restricted to the spheres of the military and scientific research, has exerted the superb performances since its engagement with the commerce in the early 1990's .It swept the world on a large scale instantaneously. The internet is becoming more and more essential in the daily life of human being. It is out of question that the virtual community of the cyberspace is changing our mode of life unpredictably. Naturally , something should be done to regulate and administer the conduct on the web. With the great change, the adjustment and modification of new behavioral codes and ethnic regulations are urgent in order to coordinate the interest and the relationship among the people under the changed circumstances. It is known that the internet is challenging the legal framework of every country, and there is no exception to the copyright law. Therefore , it is urgent to build up and optimize the legal system concerned the internet. On the internet, works protected by copyright law spread in a new way. The legislation of copyright , which is applicable to the traditional works ,is greatly challenged in the suppositional space of the internet. The internet has brought many problems that we must solve to the copyright. This dissertation centers on four problems of the infringement liability of copyright concerned the internet service provider (abbreviated as ISP), on the basis of our country's legal practice and other countries'legal experience. The four problems consist of the analysis of ISP's infringement conduct of the copyright , the analysis of ISP's infringement liability of the copyright , the ways ISP bears the liability and the restriction to ISP's liability . In the end ,the author points out the shortcoming of our legal system related to the ISP's copyright infringement on the internet and gives some advice to make it better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Service Provider, Copyright, Infringement Liability
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