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Commercial Banks To Reduce Interest Rate Risk

Posted on:2006-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G MaFull Text:PDF
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Since the 20s, Acompanying with the economic moneylization and flnacialization which are being deepped, the extention and connotation of finace are extremely beyond people's imagine who live before the 20s ,the influnces made by finance to enconomic are becoming complicated .One hand ,finance can promote enconomic hugely.on the other hand ,the rushing of finance innovation and the rapid development of finacial markets increase the probability of financial risk occurment .Thus, it becomes the hotspot that how to manage the financial risk inorde to develop advantages and avoid disadvantage .As one of the central risks , interest risk is naturanually thought much of .when the free interest makes interest osculate with the whole economic running ,interest fluctuation 's sharply enlarging must lead to the revolutionary of risk management much better instrument technique ,tactic of interest risk's management.The keystone of interest risk's management consists on the indentation of interest risk's investigation and how to mensurate interest risk . This disquisition is made of three parts ,begaining with the basic concept of interest risk , the first part of this disquisition carefully analyzes the category of interest risk ,the influnce on commercial bank ,the reason of interest risk ; the second part investigates the analytical implement and applicats the gap's analyse through demonstrating on some commercial bank ,the third part mainly expains how to manage the interest risk for commercial bank, applying the method of combining theoretics with pratice , the whole disquisition try to find a way for commercial bank of escaping from interest risk .through which commercial bank can ruduce the loss and which is also helpful for the government to stabilize the finical system.
Keywords/Search Tags:interest risk, interest sensitive gap, derivative dealing
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