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Stock Distribution System Study

Posted on:2006-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the process of China's Stock Issuing, the government play a dominant role who looks the stock market as an experiment in socialism market economy without long-term planning. So it is necessary to study China's Stock Issuing.In the first chapter stock issuing & stock issuing institution are being discussed. Some conclusion are being drawn such as the institutional function of stock issuing is to improve the resource allocation efficiency; the target of stock issuing institution is efficiency, fairness, procedural justice. In the second chapter the checking institution of stock issuing are being discussed. Some conclusion are being drawn such as the determination right of stock issuing due to the stock market actors. In the third chapter the pricing institution are being discussed. It concludes that equity parting enhances the improper stock pricing. In the fourth chapter information disclosure are being discussed. It reveals that the government &the intermediate organization hold responsibilities. In the last chapter regulations of stock issuing are being discussed. It draws that the over-regulations make market mechanism weaker .
Keywords/Search Tags:checking institution, stock issuing, pricing institution, information disclosure
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