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Risk Of Non-performing Assets Of Commercial Banks Legal Issues

Posted on:2007-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360182490732Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with China enter into WTO, the development of the economy unify of the whole world, and serious competition among nations, the bad assets of banks will influence the stability of nations' economy and the development of the banks itself. It is very practical that we do some research on the bad assets of banks. For Chinese commercial banks and the government, how to survive and develop after foreign banks entering into China, and turn into the first level of international banks is the key issue, and they must face the serious problems of bad assets and try to find an effective way to solve the problems in very limited time in order to reduce the risks of finance and enhance their ability of competition.It comes force together that both the risks prevention and the management of commercial banks. This paper will analyzes the following series topics: "commercial banks have risks which have their own reasons, and these risks can be prevented, and the successful experience of worldwide can be use for reference, and risks prevention should be strengthened." It is thought that external supervision is an important mean and internal control is the core of risks prevention. It's very important that set up some related laws, regulations and systems so as to perfect financial legal system, standardize financial market, and furthermore, try to find a way of setting up special financial courtroom and arbitration organization, intensify the financial execute to support the supervision of the banks. The paper suggest that we'd better set up special court of finance and arbitration organization, so as we can build a effective supervision system.Firstly the paper analyzes commercial banks bad assets, its influence and the reason of formation theoretically, focus on the legal reason of forming this bad assets, and strengthen the importance of information review and the construction and regulation of finance legal environment. Secondly, briefly introduce the research of foreign commercial banks on the bad assets worldwide, analyzes the experience of solving the problems of bad asset and the influence on our banks. Lastly, according to the research, the author point out some legal problems of bad assets in Chinese banks on the process of asset management which needs to solved recently. The paper analyzes the way of the bad assets prevention and solved, and point out a new idea of bank digitalization that the application of super computer in bank industry. And furtermore, point out the legel adoption of finance digitalization from the point view of law. And get the conclusion that without the globlization of law, there is no way to realize the finance globlization as well as net market. Finally, the author concludes that "strengthen the construction of financial ecology, set up and complete the legal system of finance, beautify the legal systems, promote the globlization. And hope that a suitable system of lay will help to realize the good cycle of finance and economy, creat the coordinate development . This is innovative of this paper.The paper starts from the view of law based on the theory, try to get the attention from reader by using the way of comparition with the true situation ofChina o The bank industry will develp sustained and steady only if we strictly control the bad assets 0 The paper also give out very good suggestions of policy construction and legal system o Readers may benift from this paper, and so do the professionals, the author hope <.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial bank, Bad assets, Risks precaution, External
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