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Behavior Of Anti-investigation Of The Crimes Committed

Posted on:2006-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With investigating the deepenning constantly of important case of crime by taking advantage of duty, the actor and his interested party of crime by taking advantage of duty are under the domination of various kinds of psychology, implement various kinds of and investigate the behavior instead again and again , has interfered the investigating and prosecuting of this kind of case seriously, have wasted a large number of judicial resources. This text proceeds from the needs of the theory and practice, has put forward concept , characteristic that the crime by taking advantage of duty investigates the behavior instead , have analysed its psychological origin cause of formation. Study crime by taking advantage of duty in different behavior of stage , put forward in different stage analysing and explaining and preventing from criming by taking advantage of duty not to investigate countermeasure of behavior instead conscientiously.
Keywords/Search Tags:study, action of anti-investigation, duty criminal
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