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Contemporary Chinese Accountability In

Posted on:2008-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X K MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215453881Subject:Foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Accountability system forms a set of perfect theory and runs system in the enlightenment campaign and bourgeois revolution. Accountability system is in an initial stage in our country , its putting into effect has great importance although not improving and perfecting. It is the inevitable choice for the development of our constitutional democracy, it is the inevitable requirement for the development of socialist market economy, it is conducive to the promotion of local governments to rationalize the economy, it is necessary to strengthen supervision over the exercise of power by leaders, it is a reliable guarantee of leaders to implement the responsibility. The implementation of the accountability system based on law and discipline. The implementation of the accountability system has its subject and object, Accountability subject include the ruling party, state administrative organs, people's congresses at all levels and deputies, the Democratic Party, the news media, the courts. Accountability object points to the subject who undertakes responsibility . Accountability mainly including political, administrative, legal and disciplinary responsibility, a moral responsibility in four aspects. Although the accountability system in our nation move toward a systematic track, there are still some operational issues, It reflected in the limited role of the people's congress in question; The lack of independence of the accountability subject; Lack of accountability path allogeneic; As a supporting system of the administration system lags behind. To further improve the accountability system, proceed from the design point of the system, to make sure that the question should be institutionalized track ; Reform the system of accountability subject; Strengthen allograft accountability, expand citizen democracy participation; Improve the system of openness in government affairs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accountability system, Accountability subject and object, Accountability basis, system design
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