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Maritime Tort Law Applies Research

Posted on:2008-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Maritime Tort means a kind of special tort occurrencing in internal water, territorial waters or opening sea between ships.Resolving to law conflict of the maritime tort is the focus for each country and the whole international society. It can't adapt to developing need only depends on conflict laws established by each country. In this case, the maritime tort laws is unified by the whole society no matter in entity methodor in Procedure method.The ships collision is the most typical maritime tort. Maritime tort law appears in the ships to collide realm first.The greasy dirt indemnification problem that the certain greasy dirt injure has already become an international convention of maritime affairs. The law of the greasy dirt infringement applied to appear to unify to turn of trend.Along with the diversification of sea polluting ,Other poisonous, harmful material of pollution also increasingly serious, How to solve the problem using conflicting law has already become the focus to all country.In a word, It is very immportant characteristics and trend for the diversification of conflict rale and the unification in application of the maritime tort realm.
Keywords/Search Tags:The maritime tort, law application,, unification, law improving
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