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Perfect The Bail System Of Our Country

Posted on:2008-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H DanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bail is one of the five criminal coercive measures of the Code of Criminal Procedure law, compared to other coercive measures, bail has its own advantages. However, due to the bail system in our country is not perfect enough, in addition, the ranks of China's judicial team is not particularly high quality, as a result , the bail application of china was very unsatisfactory, even some scholars propose to repeal the bail system. I believe that protection of human rights can be obtained to improve judicial efficiency, it will be a good system after be perfected. In this paper, I first procedural justice, entities justice and effective litigation perspective of the value of the bail system, proof of the value and significance of the bail system. Secondly, from the concept of law enforcement, bail the scope, duration and relief mechanisms, and other aspects of the inadequacy of existing bail. To lay the foundation for measures to improve the analysis below, In the third part of the article, the author analyzes the bail system to improve some of the important principles such as the principle of statutory bail, the principle of the presumption of innocence, the principle of equality and the principle of judicial relief and so on. The final part of the article, the author sum up their own analysis and based on the attributes obtained from the GPS. from the Scope of application and target, deadline of bail, ways of bail, bail relief mechanism , implementation of bail and so on to discusses how our bail system comprehensively.
Keywords/Search Tags:bail, value, principle
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