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To Build The Party's Interests In The Context Of A Harmonious Society Integration Mechanism

Posted on:2008-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215953869Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interests integration is a basic function of the political parties, it is also a necessary function. In particular, to the ruling party, whether it has paid close attention to the effective release of the functional of interests integration and whether it is able to build and improve scientific and rational mechanism of interests integration or not will directly decide the stability of its ruling position and the enhancing of its legitimacy to govern. As the ruling party, the Communist Party of China must adhere to this general law.In this paper, the chapters follow this train of thought, the strategy of a harmonious socialist society, is to put the party's ideas into the reality, and it also means that the Party has begun to face the reality. The strategy of the harmonious society is not only a theoretical offer, it is also a practical expectations. However, the intrinsic value of a harmonious socialist society itself calls for the existence of a sound mechanism of the interests integration of the party. So do the disharmony factors in the process of building a socialist harmonious society. On the basis of explaining the double needs, we also find that the traditional mechanism of the interests integration cannot adapt the practice to build the harmonious socialist society. More or less, there exist certain problems in various links of the mechanism of interests integration. Based on the embarrassing reality of lack of calling and function, we should stand on the height of China's construction of the socialist democratic politics and the reform of the political system and use the viewpoint of system theory and methods and focus on the various links and parties of the mechanism of the interests integration to consider the policies and measures to improve the mechanism of the interests integration of the party. It is not only the practical demands of the people, also to consolidate the ruling status of the party, and to enhance the ruling legitimacy of the party.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harmonious Socialist Society, Mechanism of the Interests Integration, Improve
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