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Harmony: A Mediation System Basis And Value Of The Target

Posted on:2008-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a means of setting disputes, mediation has a glorious history in China. The traditional Chinese mediation system was the production of the ancient thought of harmony, and to realize and maintain the social harmony was its highest value target. Mediation had played a pivotal role in the social life of ancient China.In the modern society, mediation still plays an important role in maintaining the social harmony. We still give weight to it. It can satisfy the Chinese people's psychological needs for the harmonious social system. So we should keep and innovate it.In order to give full plays to the role of our modern mediation system, we should reconstruct it at the right moment, overcome its shortcoming, and put to good use of its value in building socialist harmonious community.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mediation, Harmony, Reconstruction, The traditional Chinese mediation system, The modern Chinese mediation system
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