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Study Of Hidden Rules

Posted on:2008-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J PanFull Text:PDF
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The hidden rule , which refers to the secretly accepted rule voluntarily formed and widely used in daily life in contrast to public behavior standard and ideology, is a concept as the opposite to the public rule. The hidden rule, which has the serious corrosive impact on the society* often only may acquired by sense but cannot explicitly expounded. This kind of rule has its complexed social,historical and cultural reasons, for the human sentiment principle, the human nature disassimilation, the political centralization respectively form the cultural,social and political ecology. The modern society by law should be the society without so—called hidden rules. to establish modern human sentiment view, to set up the modern citizen spirit of rule by law , to improve the effective supervision over public authority are the fundamental ways of the elimination of hidden rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:The hidden rule, The public rule, The modern society by law
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