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On The Joint Dangerous Act

Posted on:2007-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Common infringement of common dangerous behavior conduct is one of the type of the behaviors, which means that two people or more have the behavior of violating the others right , and have already resulted in injures to others, but people can't judge clearly among them who is a behavior that do harm to the other person. Constituting the common dangerous behavior at this time, means each behavior undertaking joint liability. For conductor ,undertaking joint liability lies in the failure that he can't offer the proof .According to this, the composing important item of the common and dangerous behavior should include the plural of the corpus and the uncertainty of conductor and the quality of dangerousness of conductors, cause and effect relation with predicting outcome ,and wrong doings of the conductor etc.Common dangerous behavior of law result is mainly the common dangerous actions. Common dual responsibility also indicts the law result of such behaviors For conductor, as long as he can offer the proof his behavior and injure do not have cause and effect relation ,he can immediately dismiss the responsibility. But for conductors, each e person should share equally the responsibilities in principle. Aim at the different lawmaking style of the common dangerous behavior system and the shortage of the current lawmaking, this text put forward the homologous improvement opinion and suggestions from some aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Return the responsibility foundation, Joint liability, Risk, Common infringement behavior
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