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Liquidation Law Of The Foreign-invested Enterprises Studied

Posted on:2009-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F H YuanFull Text:PDF
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Compared to ordinary liquidation, liquidation of enterprises with foreign investment in liquidation proceedings and liquidation, there are special provisions for comparison, it has also produced some unreasonable phenomenon. China's reform and opening up in the early, in order to encourage foreign-invested enterprises to enter the domestic development, and promulgated a series of preferential policies and measures to enhance the attractiveness of foreign-invested enterprises, the introduction of these incentives for the country to introduce a large number of foreign investment, and a market economy Development has played a very important role. However, in countries to encourage foreign investors to enter the domestic At the same time, foreign investment in the State Council and local departments in charge of the legislature at all levels were promulgated a series of administrative rules and regulations, standardize foreign-invested enterprises liquidation. However, these administrative rules and regulations, some of the provisions of the law is not in line with principles and the actual needs of the actual execution occurred in the course of a number of issues, leading to some foreign-invested enterprises and the rights and interests of relevant stakeholders is not effectively protected. Currently on the liquidation of enterprises with foreign investment on less information, the book has been published, also are guiding the operation of a practical, not a theoretical elaboration. General liquidation is mainly directed against the liquidation proceedings, clearing the main and the main method of liquidation, and for foreign-invested enterprises unique to the settlement, there is no depth too much exposition. The paper on foreign-invested enterprises in the liquidation procedures and legal issues carried out in-depth studies, discussed the proposed liquidation proceedings, the principal liquidation, liquidation of the period, in the process of liquidation judicial supervision and tax issues, give priority to buying property and the right to funding issues, a comprehensive introduction to the liquidation of foreign-invested enterprises in some special cases. In this paper the final, the authors put forward the abolition of foreign trade and economic cooperation by the Commission in 1996 enacted the "liquidation of foreign-invested enterprises," the conversion of all foreign-invested enterprises liquidation apply the "Company Law" will help to unify our companies Liquidation forms, reduce confusion and disputes.
Keywords/Search Tags:liquidation, Foreign-invested enterprises, Property right of pre-emption
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