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Administrative Monopoly Regulation, Reality And Reflection

Posted on:2009-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F SuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the processel of the comprehensive survey various our country's administrative law and implementing, administrative monopoly has drawn widespread attention from all sectors of society .The study area of administrative monopoly has become one of the research frontiers of China's contemporary economics and the focus of political and law reforms. Howevers,the theoretical studay of the problem of administrative monopoly in China has a lot of room for improvement. The issues related to the reason of administrative monopoly regulations reconstraction..Therefore, the issues of regulation of administrative monopoly in-depth study and discussion with a strong theoretical and practical significance have been conducted in this paper.The paper can be divided into four parts and the second and the third parts are the main conclusions and the innovations .The first part is the first chapter,which defines Administrative monopolies's concept and characteristics. Then analyses the situation of legislation, and the conclusion of study about administrative monopoly regulation.The second part studies on the failure reason of the administrative monopoly regulation reconstruction. And illustrates the cooperation of the legal transplants and localization is a more important fact.The third part discusses the legal thought of Society Standard,Then studies on the regulation of administrative monopoly in China.The fourth part is the last chapter which discusses the settlements of the administrative monopoly, in which it includes legislation,administration,jurisdiction,and punishment four acpects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative monopoly, legal transplant, locaiization, the legal thought of socety standard
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