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Legal Regulation Of The Company's Profit Distribution

Posted on:2010-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation is talking about the Distribution on the Corporate Law. The whole article is divided into four chapters.Chapter one describes the relevant financial terms of Distribution and the main forms of Distribution and Dividends. It also describes the normal dividend policies of different kinds of companies.Chapter two illustrates the conflicts on the dividend policy among the shareholders, Government and Creditors.Chapter three is the most important part of this article. Firstly, we analyze the necessities and possibilities of introducing Corporate Law to solve the above-mentioned conflicts. Secondly, we compare the different legal mandatory on Distribution of American Model Business Corporation Act, German Corporate Law, Japanese Corporate Law. And we also discuss under what circumstance that the Judge will force the company to give Dividends and the liability of the directors and shareholders if they distributed the profit against the law.Chapter four we focus on the Distribution and Dividends in the Corporate Law of China. We point out that the inefficient and weak part and give some advises on how to improve the distribution situation in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Distribution, Right of Dividends Claim, Liability of Illegal Distribution
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