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On The Principle Of Liability Of Internet Service Providers Liability

Posted on:2011-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360302999580Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, domestic and overseas law experts are concerned about the network service provider tort principles of liability issues, network service providers as a new subject in violation of the legitimate interests of copyright holders how the liability when received extensive attention to address the key issue is to clarify the different and basic network services should be applied to each subject what Fixation. States have launched an in-depth research and study, and made some practical significance of the theoretical results. U.S., Europe, the domestic law of some countries to be a relatively clearly defined. China's legislature and the judiciary on the protection of Copyright on the Internet very seriously, but the objective is not enough.In this paper, network service providers through the principles of Tort Liability, intended to clear the classification of network service providers, and sort out and clarify the basis of different network service providers for copyright infringement the responsibility principle, and on our system and legal requirements related to research and put forward their own views, the future development of China's copyright laws provide a theoretical basis. This paper uses a value analysis, case analysis and comparative law. The evaluations of cognitive and social phenomenon by the value of property, which reveal, criticize, or confirm certain social values or ideals and methods. By copyright protection in the network, infringing the rights is equally important. Therefore, the determination of the attribution principles, the same balance of the interest issues. Meanwhile, cut into the case, revealed by analysis of network copyright infringement case to protect the reality of facing, so the theory of rigid active help of the topic in depth. In our country, in the network system of copyright legislation is also a lack of sex, too rough, transplanted from the advanced and mature theory is essential. Therefore, through the legislation of major national and international comparative analysis of the relevant treaty, to learn from, select and build networks for China's national conditions copyright protection system. Full-text divided into four parts, is the theoretical basis points, Comparative Law, China's relevant theories and laws, legislative proposals. For network service providers through the classification, application of the principle of attribution of different comparative method, combined with our network of service providers on the Principles of Responsibility provisions of legislative loopholes and shortcomings. Use foreign quality legislation and related systems, the feasibility of programs that future legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:network services providers, network content providers, network intermediary service providers, interests balance, fault liability principle, network industry, a duty of care
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