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Our Population Changes Impact On Higher Education

Posted on:2012-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330338451011Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Population impact on higher education from a variety of different indicators at different levels, the most important is the number of people influence the gross enrollment rate. As higher education development regionally in China, so the population distribution, migration also impact on higher education; population of the industrial structure will affect the social demand for higher education graduate; To some extent,family model determine higher education consumption. In addition, relative to other factors impact on education, the population has a special impaction. Due to continuing higher education must have certain conditions, not as primary and secondary education, it is non-mandatory, after more than a dozen years, then impact on higher education, it has a longer time difference. China's population Paradigm changes in a short time, and the ups and downs of the population had a profound impact on resource allocation for education. When at the peak of the population, in response to enrollment, a large number of schools should build, and should recruit more teachers; some private institutions also arrive. As the implementation of China's family planning policy, school-age population of higher education will decrease as the population of inertia, so private institutions, colleges and universities and major colleges and universities will become more prominent contradictions, and also will be more competition between regions, therefore some universities which lack students will face the risk of failure. But at the same time we should also see an opportunity, for maintaining the original size, it will increase the gross enrollment rate, and increase the average years of schooling in China, the result has brought an opportunity to enhance the quality of the population. The contradictions of higher education at this stage is that the sharp drop in school-age population and the survival of all levels of education, enrollment expansion and graduate employment, and how to balance the contradiction between personnel education and the economy structure, the paper will be discussed one by one.
Keywords/Search Tags:population change, higher education, population forecasting, regional
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