Wireless sensor network is a powerful tool and mean of accessing information. Due toits wide coverage, adaptive capacity, convenient and flexible layout, wireless sensornetwork plays an important role in the development of traditional sensor technologies. It hasbecome one of the most influential technologies in the21st century. Wireless sensornetwork has broad application prospects in the field of civilian, military, aerospace,environmental resource protection and other fields. Routing protocol is the basis for thesensor nodes communicate with each other. For energy limited wireless sensor networks,how to reduce energy consumption and prolong the network lifetime is one of the keyresearch in wireless sensor network routing protocol.This paper focused on wireless sensor network routing protocol research from theangle of energy saving. In order to solve the problem of LEACH protocol of heavy load ofcluster heads and low utilization of cluster heads energy, a dual-cluster heads clusteringrouting algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) is proposed. According tothe different tasks of the cluster heads, the algorithm uses PSO to select the master clusterhead which completes the data collection and integration and the vice cluster head whichcooperates with master cluster head and completes the inter-cluster data forwarding. Thefitness function is built using the node energy, the distance between itself and sink and theposition information. By this way, it can make data collection and transmission consumptionsmaller. Compared with the routing algorithms of LEACH and PSO-MV, Simulation resultsshow that the algorithm can effectively reduce the load of the cluster head and the energyconsumption of cluster head. It also balances the energy consumption of the entire networkand extends the lifetime of the network.This paper also researched HEED routing protocol. In order to solve the problem ofHEED protocol of “hot spot” causes inter cluster energy imbalance and isolated node effectthe cluster head energy balance, a uneven clustering routing algorithm based on HEED isproposed. The higher the energy of nodes, the easier cluster head will be elected.Clusterheads calculate the optimal cluster radius based on the factors of its probability of becominga cluster head and the distance from sink and they will construct uneven clusters. Afterseveral competitions, the final cluster heads will be selected. For the node which is in the communication range of multiple clusters, it will choose the smallest communication costcluster head as its cluster. For the isolated node, the data is forwarded to the nearestneighborhood node’s cluster. Finally the data will transfer to the sink through multi-hops.Compared with the routing algorithms of HEED-M and EEUC, Simulation results show thatthe algorithm has greatly improved the network lifetime and energy consumption of clusterhead. |