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Signal Denoising Of MEMS Gyroscope Based On Strapdown Inertial Navigation System

Posted on:2016-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208330461478082Subject:Aerospace engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the constant development of MEMS (micro electro mechanical system) techn ology, strapdown inertial navigation system (STNS) also develops rapidly. As one of t he indispensable inertial measurement devices of STNS, MEMS gyroscope will influen ce the navigation precision of the system by the signal precision. Therefore, how to i mprove the measurement precision of MEMS gyroscope has become the research focu s in the field of inertial navigation.Based on the knowledge and technology regarding signal acquisition and processin g, this paper researched how to improve the measurement precision of MEMS gyrosco pe. Through analyzing the characteristics of inertial navigation system, this paper desig ned DSP-chip-based gyroscope signal acquisition and processing system. The system in cludes two parts:the front part is the gyroscope signal acquisition and transmission sy stem, while the back part is the gyroscope signal denoising processing system. The tw o parts—sub-systems transmit the data via the wireless transmission. According to the specific requirement of system, this paper gave the related peripheral circuit diagram a nd interface circuit design plan, and finished the overall hardware design of the systeThis paper also established the mathematic model for gyroscope drift error and processed the random drift noise among the gyroscope output signal by means of various algorithms. Through the simulation experiment comparison, it’s found that the improved second-generation wavelet threshold algorithm can achieve relatively good denosing effect without confirming the signal model of gyroscope and is a universal denosing method. However, if it’s under precision-guided circumstance, the denosing precision is far worse than the Kalman filtering effect. At last, the paper designed junction filter which applies to inertial navigation system. Using the junction filter can solve the noise problem of the system in a simple and effective manner, which is of certain engineering application value.
Keywords/Search Tags:MEMS gyros, random drift noise, combined filter
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