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Based On Gis And Network Monitoring Thermal Power Plant Of New Low-cost Sis System

Posted on:2007-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360185984034Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now the electric power market competition is getting stronger and stronger. The competition of bidding for accession to power networks forces the thermal power plant to have the greatest degree excavation of unit potential, save the cost and enhance the efficiency as well as management levels. The efficiency of the boiler affects the thermal power plant economic indicator most. This needs to carry on effective monitor and the adjustment of the boiler's operating efficiency, ensuring the boiler of displaying the most superior performance. Moreover, in the thermal power plant, the group leaders cannot monitor the production movement condition of every boiler at the same time, which does not benefit the entire electric power group in its dispatch and management. The on-line monitor uses data gathered from the scene combined with computational method of boiler Efficiency to monitor the function of the boiler. With the reference data, the missionaries can summarize experiences, enhance the efficiency and save the cost. Remote data access technology is applied to transmit the main parameters reflecting the boiler's movement condition. Then we use GIS technology to monitor the running status of the boiler in the long distance with the data which provide references for factory and group level leaders in decision-making process, surveillance as well as rewards and punishment.This article originates from the Jinan's high and new zone and the Jinan science and technology development plan. It unifies the craftcharacterist ics of the boilers in Jinan some thermoelectricity group. ADAM 4017+ and ADAM 4018+ board cards are applied to gather scene data. The field data most originate in the data spreading to DCS. Signal isolation technology is applied to divide the signals into two groups which do not affect mutually. We select the Force Control software to carry on processing, operation and demonstration of the...
Keywords/Search Tags:GIS, on-line monitoring, Operating efficiency, Remote monitoring, remote data access technology
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