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Lpc Bus Interface Uart Controller Fpga Implementation

Posted on:2009-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360245461699Subject:Electronics and Communications Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of microelectronics technology, electronic equipment become smaller and integrated. in the continuous upgrading of equipment requirements at the same time, also called low-power devices, small size, light weight, high reliability. In the development of the army's weapons and equipment, all equipment have added new requirements, particularly for soldier portable equipment, the size, power consumption and connectivity have the more stringent requirements.In a hand-held device development projects, the need to design an interface board, called for up to eight serial port expansion and energy management and digital input-output interface, etc, the interface board connect the processor by LPC bus, the whole handheld devices in addition to a basic function of the request, the size and power have raised a very high demand. For the specific project design requirements, after comparing with the traditional methods of design, we decided to use the FPGA to achieve LPC interface and UART controller function.In this paper, the main objectives is to complete the LPC interface's UART controller in FPGA . Entire designs uses the hardware description language (HDL) to realize completely, and the detail of design realization is discussed. Paper using sub-module design style, has a good reusability.In order to verify the design, a FPGA verification platforms is also done and C language used to prepare the test procedure. After verification, the design has fully functional requirements of the interface board, and meet the size and power consumption requirements, have achieved good results.Papers through the use of FPGA as the core to realizes the electric circuit function by one new digital circuit design method. Aimed at in this way, and continuously improve the performance of equipment and develop the designers thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:LPC bus, FPGA, Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART), hardware description language (HDL)
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