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Research On DP Simulated Operating System For A Deep Sea Semi-submersible Drilling Platform

Posted on:2013-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362458905Subject:Ships and marine structures, design of manufacturing
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper takes a deep sea semi-submersible drilling platform as an example, establishes the model of platform and thrust system,makes time-domain simulation for dynamic positioning system induced by environmental loads in different directions, achieves time series of the displacement and consumed power of the platform and compares the different conditions from accuracy and consumed power. To verify numerical simulation, dynamic positioning model test is conducted. The semi-submersible model test at scale 1:50, which is used to verify the results of dynamic time-domain simulation, is completed in the water basin of State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. To verify results of calculation by model test, this paper researches on real-time power simulation and compares with time-domain simulation. The computed results agree well with test data, which indicates this method is available. The key point of this paper is to establish dynamic positioning database by time domain simulation and discuss the design method of dynamic positioning simulated operating system. The first is, to make time-domain simulation of dynamic positioning system and serve as a foundation for the theoretical work in the future. Then to establish dynamic positioning database by time domain simulation and introduce the use method of the database. Last, to design dynamic positioning simulated operating system, which is the import part of the simulation training device of 981 platform. This paper mainly make simulation software design based on Visual Studio and Visual C# and exploit program of DP simulated operating system, which can simulate the whole process of dynamic positioning of the platform. The simulation results are ideal. This paper summarizes the reliability and superiority of time domain simulation and provides important basis for engineering application in the future. DP simulated operating system provides the technical support for making the simulation training device, which is used for training high technology and large equipment controllers and managers. DP simulated operating system manages deep sea semi-submersible drilling platform which sets in today's world many advanced scientific technology in one body, to make sure that can play its functions safely and effectively in deep sea environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic positioning system, deep sea semi-submersible platform, time-domain simulation, model test, data base, simulated operating system
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