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Traditionl Benevolenceand Chinese Social Transfor Mation In The Construction Of Publicmorality

Posted on:2011-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330332970127Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis of "traditional Chinese thought and the people love and moral construction" as the theme, from different levels, different angle Benevolence and Social Transformation in the construction of public morality and the law of internal relations conducted in-depth discussion. Love is the philosopher of the bond connecting the broad social relations, but also the Chinese way of thinking and of social ethics orientation. Which will become the basic characteristics of Chinese culture; can be said that the essence of Chinese moral culture is the "love" culture. Formulation of this paper is as follows:First, is the philosophical basis of Confucian benevolence were analyzed, including Human Nature, Benevolence, Confucius ethics, and made comprehensive and systematic summary. Thoughts and love to the internal logic of traditional comprehensive exposition of love thinking of the traditional diachronic thinking in accordance with Confucian benevolence, love thinking of Mencius, Dong's love thinking of ideas for discussion of Zhu Xi's love. And love thinking of the traditional functions of the moral content of a very broad, including traditional ideology and ethics of the spirit of love, the traditional thought of ancient China Charity personal moral influence,"Ren aid into the ceremony" on the ancient Chinese society. Thoughts on love to a large integrated system, elucidation of love reveal the ideological context, the effectiveness of the love for the system of moral thinking History.Second, from a different angle on the depth of public morality. Western public morality through the origin, purpose of the Western members of the public morals, norms, principles, and moral significance of the Western members of the public an overview of public morality, Western Protestant Ethic and the state to guide and regulate public morality, public morality of our country and provide reference.Third, is a bright future in the construction of public morality and development trends:Western complementary to each other, continue to converge. Mainly through the following topics:the plight of our public morality, including the meaning of life in the world, the plight of the family and moral, social and moral predicament, the public moral dilemma characteristics; traditional Benevolence and moral construction of the public revelation of China, including the sense of mutual respect communication, mutual caring process of rational discussion, to love people based on moral purpose, principles and norms and the establishment of public moral environment filled with love.Today, people want to build moral, is not equivalent to the ancients speak of morality, nor is it copied the ancients talked about ethics and morality. Contemporary public moral theory is:what's the problem. This means that for great people, caring people and to achieve. Love of traditional and contemporary public thought and moral construction, and we build a tolerant and harmonious cultural environment is the same. In modern society, many people faced with moral conflicts, moral conflicts in front of the public to achieve reasonable communication and mutual respect, mutual love of rational discussion, set a good moral environment. Confucius advocated "benevolence," thinking of "benevolence" seeking "love" to "love" to "benevolence." Chinese Confucian Kindness has been in the pool play a great role, allowing the Chinese people for thousands of years to maintain the unity and integrity. Thus, in traditional Chinese culture, "benevolence" and "love" concept has been radiated to all aspects of Chinese life, deep into the soul of every Chinese person. Thus the concept of people as a whole cast and team spirit. Meanwhile, love thinking as an integral part of Chinese civilization, as many of the contradictions of contemporary society provide a reference, should play an active role in the survival of mankind's reasonable to provide a dose of good medicine.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human Nature, Benevolence, Confucius, ethics, love thinking, public morality, moral construction
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