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Unified Private International Law In EU And The Europeanization Of The Private International Law In Germany

Posted on:2012-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338459277Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the Second World War, with the development of the international economy association and international Civil and Business relationships, traditional conflict norms lack of flexibility fail to meet with new demands. Emergences of national legislations within different nations together with corresponding international agreements and numerous newly established theories of private international law boost the advancement of private international law theories. As the representative of regional private international law movement, Unified private international law in EU provides beneficial exploration for the assimilation of private international law. Meanwhile, as a primary trend, Europeanization of the private international law has permeated among EU member countries. International Civil Practice Law is the fastest developing field in the Europeanization.From the establishment of EU until now, great efforts have been made to achieve the objective of"free flow of judgment"through a series of convention, treaties and orders to coordinate the civil and commercial jurisdiction as well as conflicts in judgment recognition and enforcement. Especially for the Brussels system, which includes Brussels Convention, Treaty I of Brussels, Treaty II of Brussels and Treaty II a of Brussels, it forms a set of ruling system models to coordinate the civil and commercial jurisdiction as well as conflicts in judgment recognition and enforcement.Using Brussels system's recognition and enforcement in Germany as the referenced example, this thesis introduces and analyzes the Europeanization of German international civil procedures under the Brussels system and further provides detailed insights of regional coordination of the Unified private international law in EU.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unified private international law in EU, International Civil Practice Law, Brussels system, civil and commercial jurisdiction, judgment recognition and enforcement
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