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Customs System Of Civil Servants Exit Mechanism Research

Posted on:2012-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The civil servant system, also called civil service in the west countries, is prevalently adopted as a kind of public staff management system. From the international experience, a high-quality, reasonable structure, healthy flow of civil service is the prerequisite for efficient administration. China has established the civil service system over twenty years. There are many research and practice about recruitment, assessment, training, incentives, penalties and other mechanisms, but the withdraw mechanism is less. Compared with the crowded "entrance" of civil service, the "exit" is relatively lonely. So it is a common problem that the system is lack of a outlet. The poor export has seriously hampered the healthy development of the civil service and efficient operation of government. The customs, as one of the earliest departments which adopt to the system of civil service, is necessary to study and explore the withdraw mechanism for civil service, provide a reference for other vertical management sector and at the same lime improve the reform of our country's civil service.This article constitutes 6 chapters. It makes a research about the withdraw mechanism for civil service, from "what it is", "why" to "how to do it". It can be summarized into four main parts:Part one, the introduction of paper. This part analyzes the reason and purpose, research methods, research ideas, research status, etc. And this part also defines the basic elements of this paper--the civil service, customs civil service, withdraw for the civil service, withdraw mechanism for the civil service, analyzes the differences of withdraw system and withdraw mechanism.Part two, analyzing the status and problems of the withdraw mechanism for customs civil service. On the basis of understanding the three development stages of withdraw mechanism for civil service, this part analyzes the problems with the withdraw mechanism in three aspects-- standard fuzzy, real difficulties, dislocated concept.Part three, analyzing the causes of withdraw mechanism for customs civil service from three aspects--individual civil service, customs and society--the main three subjects involved.Part four, putting forward suggestions for the withdraw mechanism. It is a systematic project to improve the withdraw mechanism which requires efforts and a number of supporting measures.On the basis of analysis of stalus and reasons,we try to)propose suggestions from three perspectives-individual civil service,customs and sociely--in order to build and improve withdraw mechanism for customs civil serVice together.
Keywords/Search Tags:withdraw mechanism, Civil servants, Customs
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