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Legal Analysis Of Third-party Payment Online Shopping

Posted on:2012-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H ZhouFull Text:PDF
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To address the third-party payment of the practical application of the problem, since people's bank of china issued to September of the non-financial institutions service management measures, the way of promulgation and let the third-party payment of the law can become a reference. But we should also be seen that the third-party payment as a new mode of payment in the course of practical use still exist many problems, such as the legal relationship between them not clear, financial regulation is not in place, etc, are urgent question. So they must be on internet shopping in the third party to pay the legal problems for more in-depth consideration, internet shopping is the third-party payment of the legislative and institutional development in this way can better protection of the relevant legal.The author was the first to third parties to define the body in the third-party payment of a general understanding of, for its payment model, different pay by the comparative analysis to a clear understanding of the third-party payment. About e-commerce now our especially electronic pay legislation is untaught. For network shoppers, choose to use third-party payment of the primary factor is the credibility and security. This required to establish a third party for legal status, and each participant clear the relationship between rights and obligations, this article the second most to this problem was emphasized. With the rapid development of internet shopping, the problems of the third party to pay the market, the relevant parties to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the article further improve the relevant legislation, and the strengthening of government supervision of the need for dispute settlement made some suggestions and views.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet shopping, The third-party payment, Supervision, Outlook
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