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On The Evaluation Of Evidence Publicly,

Posted on:2012-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P DuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The esposition of judgement is to guarantee the fair of adminnistation of justice and is to realize the important term of judicial neutral .It's to protect procedures involved program and is to pursure the important tool of the efficient of action.In order to prevent judges'reconciliation and to establish the esterm of fair,efficient and authority.The judge must public judgement.The exposition of judgement asks the judge for neutral,and fair to treat parents,instead of abusing the principle.The esposition of judgement in the cruminal and the civil procedure are the same on system and different on specificiation.In order to protect the interests of procdenefits and to prevent the trial process arbitrary,publicing the esposition of judgement are the core principle of open trial requitements and that is the exposition of judgements ,However, the law often desen't pubilc the exposition of judgement or not pubilc completely. It is because our country doesn't have a perfect system of the exposition of judgement , therefore, we should attach great attance to improve our country's system of the expisition of judgement ,without delay.In this paper,I introduce the meaning of exposition of judgement, find out the differrece and the likeness ,and though analysing the open system of evidence, we can know what are problems and make specific recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Judges, the exposition of judgement, idence of attestation, fact of cognizance, law of appliance
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