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Clan Of Villagers' Autonomy And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2013-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330374462316Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Clan organization in Chinese rural society lasted for thousands of years has a long history, the clan concept has deposited in the brains of people has become an important part of Chinese traditional culture.The above two points decide the clan organization on Chinese rural society's political, economical and cultural fields have an important effect.since the reform and opening up,the rural society and the emergence of implementation of villager autonomy system and rural clan revive the two political phenomenon, since it occurred at the same time, so they are what kind of relationship?The villager autonomy has become a hot academic issue,many scholars and experts form different angles and at different levels of the villager autonomy,obtained a lot of valuable academic achievements,this for our understand of the villager autonomy has provided great help.But most scholars are based on the autonomy of villagers and the township,regime relation or around the villager autonomy, and democratic relation to study, I think, the villager autonomy system problems in the process of the villagers'autonomy system is not perfect, the village autonomy system established by the village committee functions is not perfect, no fully meet the needs of the rural social development needs, and the clan organization in a certain extent to meet the rural social production and the livelihood of the people of the certain requirements. Resulting in the reform and the opening up the rural clan revival, also become exports needs to attention. How to correctly understand the villagers'autonomy and the relationship between clan organization, has become a academic significance and social practical subject.The paper includes four parts. The first part is the study of the relationship between clan and villager autonomy, theoretically defines the autonomy of villagers and the clan concept, introduced our country villagers' autonomy and the clan development course, discusses the relationship between clan and village autonomy.the second pate is the rural influence on villagers'autonomy, rural clans on the villagers four democratic specific links negative effects as well as rural clans on the villagers of the positive and negative effects. The third part is the analysis of the rural clans on the villagers' autonomy influence.why, from the external and internal reason for the two aspects were relatively simple introduction. The fourth part is how to eliminate the rural clan of the negative impact of villager autonomy. And how to guide the rural clans on the villagers the positive influence of the play, and in the appropriate analysis of the reasons on the basis of their own countermeasures so as to better improve the villager autonomy system, and gradually promote the construction of rural grassroots,democracy and the construction of social new countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:clan, revival, influence, the autonomy of villagers
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