With the development of economic and improving of people's living standards, people are More eoneerned about the eomfortof the living environment and these eurity of home.Meanwhile,the rapid development of the information teehnology and the popularization of the network make inielligent home teehnology easie rand more popular;the study of intelligent home remote monitoring system has become a hot spot.Paper first analyzes the smart home and abroad Development of Remote Monitoring System, designed on this basis, telecommunications master controller module and the smart home smart home system to complete the remote control. Which telecommunications modules are based on telephone dual tone multi-frequency principle, the use of PH8810 chip design of the telecommunications circuit, complete with ISD2560 voice chip circuit design, implementation and receive telephone calls voice alarm function remote control information.Smart home via the serial port with the host controller. Embedded in the ARM9 platform designed to run under Linux smart home system master controller. Construction of ARM-based embedded systems, completed a u-boot bootloader transplant, transplant to the development of embedded Linux operating system platform, modify the system kernel and drivers, built yaffs2 root file system. Construction of the embedded graphics systems, intelligent home completed graphic menu and the main controller embedded database design, implementation of the smart home system data in the database fast and efficient management.The results show that using the public telephone network as a means of communication, based on embedded technology in the smart home remote monitoring system has a small size, low power consumption, scalability, and strong features. Smart Home main controller can visually operate, user-friendly simple and practical. |