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Kenimatics Analysis Of 2-PRS-PRRU Parallel Mechanism

Posted on:2012-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368498875Subject:Mechanical and electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation, This paper focuses on the kinematics of 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism. The main work and research results are as follows.Mobility property of the 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism is analyzed by using screw theory and the two finite rotational axes are identified. Parasitic motion of the 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism is studied. It is proved that this parallel mechanism has no parasitic motion.The forward and inverse position kinematics models are established and the analytical solution is obtained. Jacobian of the 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism is obtained. Inverse, forward and combined singularities are identified based on the analysis of the Jacobian.According to characteristics of 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism, the reachable workspace is analyzed. Considering the effect brought from the S joints constraints and mechanism singularities, the workspace is discribed through a numerical search method combined with MATLAB software ; From the atlas, the special singular points are described; The change of workspace is reflected when the angle between the P joint and based platform varied.The performance of 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism is mainly discussed from dexterity, load, stiffness. During the area of the workspace, the atlas of every performance is given. when the angle between the P joint and based platform varied, the change of different performance indicators are discussed, which is helpful to optimization and design for of 2-PRS-PRRU parallel mechanism...
Keywords/Search Tags:Parallel Manipulator, Kinematics, Singular Configuration, Workspace, Performance Index
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