The robot soccer, as a hard nut to crack, is a research focus in the fields of digital image processing, pattern recognition, robot control, artificial intelligent, multi-Agent collaboration and so on. Middle Size League, as a crucial component in RoboCup, provides a standard testing platform for the correlative theory and technical research for motion control system.The dissertation made an investigation on the control algorithm of omni-directional soccer robot with three wheels for the RoboCup's Middle Size Robot League. Firstly, various system models for the soccer robot were built and its primitive performance is also analyzed. Secondly, according to the characteristics of control tasks, hierarchical control based on kinematic model is selected as the control scheme for the robot soccer system. Meanwhile, motion control systems based on"portable computer, DSP multi-axis drive board and actuator", as the realization mode of motion control system and propulsion system based on bridge type actuation circuit were designed. Thirdly, for the purpose of verifying the feasibility of motion control system, self-adjusting the universe fuzzy control algorithm based on the cumulative error factor was proposed on the foundation of proving controllability of the system. Simulation and experiments results indicate that the control algorithm is reasonable, feasible and effective. Real-time, can quickly and accurately track the desired path. Finally, the dynamic feedback linearization tracking control algorithm is put forward on the basis of control tasks. Simulation and experiments results indicate that the control algorithm has the characteristics of high precision, real-time, can quickly and accurately track the desired path, meet the requirements of the soccer robot of the RoboCup's Middle Size Robot League.Furthermore, In order to satisfy actual requirements of the RoboCup's Middle Size Robot League, a technique of straight line moving based on the pure rolling theory is given out which can enable the robot performs complex actions, has practical significance. |