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Evaluation Of The Disclosure Quality Of Accounting Information Of Listed Company Based On Fisher Discriminant

Posted on:2012-11-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X MengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Stock market in China has developed more than twenty years, but the phenomenon of accounting fraud and accounting information disclosure violations in listed company is general. False accounting information may cause great harm on company's reputation, the allocation of social resource and the order of capital market. Many scholars believe that many factors causing this phenomenon, such as inadequate governance structure, financial problem and so on.From the perspectives of corporate financial characteristics and corporate governance, this article is using K-S Test and Spearman correlation analysis to construct the evaluating index system of the disclosure quality of accounting information and using Fisher analysis to study the affecting factors of the disclosure quality of accounting information of Chinese listed company. Concluded from the model that the good corporate financial characteristics and good corporate governance have a positive impact on improving the disclosure quality of accounting information and bad corporate financial characteristics and inadequate corporate governance are not the necessary factors causing the poor quality of accounting information. We should evaluate the disclosure quality of accounting information from multiple aspects.The main innovation lies in the first use of Fisher Discriminant method to study the affecting factors of the disclosure quality of accounting information of Chinese listed company and through the Fisher model to find out the key affecting factors. The conclusion can provide certain reference value for the information users, provide certain guiding role for listed company to improve the quality of accounting information and provide certain application value for the stability of stock market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Disclosure Quality of Accounting Information, Affecting Factors, Corporate financial characteristics, Corporate Governance
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