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Research On The Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Control Of Gansu

Posted on:2014-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398969077Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is the material basis for the survival and development of human society, is also an important agricultural economic development constraints, it is necessary to provide for the rapid growth of the population of basic food supply, but also take into account the protection and improvement of the environment. Only emphasized the growth in food production, the neglect of environmental protection, and rural areas in the poverty alleviation process, serious agricultural nonpoint source pollution problems in the past. Gansu Province agricultural nonpoint source pollution situation is very severe on agricultural non-point source pollution control laws and regulations also provides for the principle is still stuck on the lack of specific guidance measures, agricultural non-point source pollution control ineffective. In this paper, the typical case of Baiyin City. Gansu Province, Jingtai County investigation, on the basis of analysis of the local agricultural non-point source pollution, lack of systematic, targeted and operability problems for agricultural non-point source pollution control laws and regulations, learn advanced foreign legislation experience, according to the actual situation of Gansu. explore measures to control agricultural non-point source pollution, provide a strong basis for the control of agricultural non-point source pollution problems. Paper is divided into four parts:The first part is the introduction mainly include research background and significance, and to study the content and focus on research methods and ideas, papers innovations and the research status quo.The second part is a typical case of surveys, field surveys and analysis of agricultural nonpoint source pollution in Jingtai County, summed up the status quo of agricultural non-point source pollution, causes and impact on the environment, a deeper analysis of agricultural non-point source pollution control legal system defects.The third section summarizes the legislative status quo of the pollution, livestock breeding, solid waste and water pollution in agricultural production at home and abroad, and a comparative analysis, and that experience in abroad prevention legislation revelation of Gansu Province.The third section presents Gansu rural areas to control agricultural nonpoint source pollution laws and measures, he supporting system and law enforcement be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:agricultural non-point source pollution, Present situation, Legal system
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