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The Difference Of Fine Root Of The Evergreen Broadleaved Forest In Different Recovery Wind Disaster Area At Mt. Jinyun

Posted on:2013-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H TangFull Text:PDF
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Wind forecasts is one of the common natural disaster, which occur not only destroyed the vegetation and such as the environment characteristics will change. So, after the disaster, vegetation recovery is very important. In the middle of the night of June 14,1989, the hurricane attracted M.t Jinyun, almost any vegetation avoid this disaster. The damaged forest communities were recovered by the National Nature Resvrve Management Office in Jinyun Mountain; there are two different recovery station. And the recovery communities were under good protect by the Office. As 2011, the recovery communities have been 22 years.Plant roots have a significant impact on the structure and function of plants in the ecosystem, also important for the interaction between species and environment. The spatial pattern of fine root in the soil has a direct impact on plant to use of soil resources, thus the compete ability of pant or species will be affected. However, Jinyun Mountain is located in the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, with a subtropical forest types. So the communities of the mountain can represent the natural background of subtropical forest ecosystems. So, this mountain is a natural laboratory of the system of forest vegetation. However, there are few studies of this region of the underground section of forest. Thus, the study of the underground sections of evergreen broad-leaved forest at wind disaster area at Mt.Jinyun. not only can provide theoretical guidance and technical support for the restore the ecological environment construction projects in the Three Gorges reservoir area layout and along the Yanglze River Forest Vegetation Ecology, while so important to eco-efficiency assessment, regional ecological environment planning, watershed management and made forest by science in the subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests.We mainly studied the soil properties and vertical distribution of fine root characteristics on the evergreen broadleaved forest in different recovery wind disaster area at Mt.Jinyun. We analysis the soil and fine root characteristics by the method of take samples, soil profile and scan fine root by WinRHIZO Pro 2007d.We studied the soil environment characteristics of evergreen broad-leaved forest at wind disaster area at Mt.Jinyun, the results showed that the characteristics of soil physical and chemistry properties is obvious. One hand, the Bulk density of spontaneous recovery, manual recovery and natural plots increased with increasing soil depth, however, the Total porosity, Natural capacity, Saturation capacity and capillary capacity of the three plots with increasing soil depth decreases. Soil bulk density in Manual restoration plots> Spontaneous recovery plots> plots> Spontaneous recovery on still, most of the physical indicators performance plots> Manual restoration plots. On the other hand, the chemical properties, such as Organic matter, Total N, Available N, Total P, Available P, Total K and Available K are reduced with increasing depth of soil, but soil pH is gradually increasing. In addition to pH, total N, available N performance for Manual restoration> Spontaneous recovery plots> plots, and other indicators are mostly performance plots> Spontaneous recovery plots> Manual restoration plots. We studied the community structure characteristics, the results show that the communities can be divided into three layers, which is tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer. The difference of different recovery communities are obvious, such as species, families and genera of the forest have shown that Spontaneous recovery is higher than Manual recovery, but natural is the highest. Spontaneous recovery plots and control plots of a diversity index most of the tree layer> shrub layer> herb layer, and Manual restoration of the kind a diversity index most of the performance of the shrub layer> tree layer> herb layer or herb layer> shrub layer> tree layer. We compared the three plots, the results show that a diversity index of shrub and herb layers is for Manual restoration plots> Spontaneous recovery plots> natural plots, tree layer a diversity show that the index was natural> Spontaneous recovery plots> Manual restoration plots.The study of fine root distribution characteristics of two different recovery modes showed that root biomass is mainly distribution in 0-20cm soil layer, and root biomass reduced with increasing soil depth. We compared the biomass of the three plots, the results show that natural plots have the highest biomass, and Spontaneous recovery is higher than Manual recovery. In addition to Manual recovery plots, there are significantly differences between each soil layer of fine root biomass, and with the deepening of the soil, the differences of fine root biomass between the all sorts decreased gradually. The distribution of fine root surface area is mainly concentrated in the 0-20cm soil layer, the study of fine root surface area distribution characteristics of two different recovery modes show that natural> Spontaneous recovery plots> Manual restoration plots, and this difference decreased with soil depth increasing. In addition to Manual recovery plots, there are significantly differences between each soil layer of fine root biomass, and with the deepening of the soil, the differences of fine root biomass between the all sorts are not significant.The study of correlation between fine root parameters and soil chemical show that except the correlation of Manual restoration plots is significantly related to sex (P<0.05), all other index were tested very significant correlation (P<0.01). The soil bulk density of two recovery plots and natural plots are negatively correlated. But other indexes were tested positive correlation. The correlation of fine root surface area and nutrients in the soil is positive. The tested of Pearson correlations of Physical and chemical properties of soil and fine root surface area showed that the index were tested highly significant correlation (P<0.01). Some soil indexes with specific root length of fine root presents a very significant correlation relationship, such as the Total porosity, Saturation capacity, capillary capacity, Organic matter, Total N, Available N and Total P of Spontaneous recovery and natural plots, and so does the soil pH of Manual restoration plots. But some soil indexes with specific root length presents a significant correlation relationship, such as the Bulk density of Manual restoration plots and the Available K of natural plots. However, the tests showed there was not significant between other soil indexes with specific root length of fine root.
Keywords/Search Tags:wind disaster area, subtropical, fine root, vertical distribution
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