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Creating An Artistic Universe In And Out Of Buddism&Daoism

Posted on:2013-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371490972Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese poetry culture, with its brilliant classical poems, enjoys a long history.Landscape poetry plays significant role in Chinese poetry history, however, vacancyin this area arouse later. Kong Fu, a poet with profound accomplishment of classicalpoetics and ardent love for the landscape of motherland, assumed making up for thisvacancy as his duty and devoted himself to the creation of new landscape poetry. Hispoems and poetics established his own system and connected the present with the past,playing a significant role in the development of new poetry.This thesis consists of five parts.The first part of the thesis is introduction. In this part, the position andcontribution of Kong Fu’s landscape poems are analyzed briefly; besides, researcheson his poems are summarized briefly; moreover, the research methods adopted in thisthesis are introduced briefly.The second part is taken as the first chapter of the thesis, in which his life andcreation experiences and the unique value of his poems in new poetry history areintroduced, besides, his creation motivation and artistic pursuit are also analyzed.The third part is taken as chapter two. In this chapter, emphasis is attached on hisinheritance and innovation towards traditional poetry under the influence ofConfucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Furthermore, the modern transformation ofclassical sensibility reflected in Kong Fu’s landscape poetry is briefly discussed.The fourth part is taken as chapter three. In this chapter, the artistic features aremainly discussed and emphasis is put on the “with no”、“well-informed”、“spiritualvision”、“connotation” of his poems as well as the “state of vision and emptiness”based on them.The fifth part constitutes the conclusion of the thesis. In the times when poetryare paid little attention to, Kong Fu’s landscape poems, with its little-knownsimplicity and purity, provide modern people with enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kong Fu, landscape poems, new poetry, contribution
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