While in the21th century, both dissemination and updating rate of information arebeyond people’s imagination. With such historical background, the expressive force oftraditional graphic becomes more and more weak, and has a trend of being singularized.The creative concept of graphic, diversified expressions and applications still remain to bediscussed. The aim of creating graphic is actual application, which helps to act out thefunctions of graphic and realize the value. As a result, the significance gets recognized,affirmed and identified. The traditional graphic education and commercial activities stay ina period of formal and creative studies, which means that the studies on application ofgraphic is not thorough.In such background, this paper starts with the expressions and application situation ofgraphic both abroad and at home. Together with analysis of the existent meanings andactual value, and also the practical cases, here comes some methods on graphic expressionsand applications. By clearing the minds on diversified expressions and expandingapplication category, this paper helps people to feel the charm of diversified expressionsand application from graphic. |