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On The Relationship Of The Form Between The Early Verses And The Chinese Classical Poetry

Posted on:2013-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371994233Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since late Qing Dynasty, the improvement of Chinese classical poetry in theory andpractice is incomplete, which makes verses in this period keep lots of factors of classicalpoetry, and appear obvious characteristics of prose, vernacular and freedom. Therefore, notbeing separated from the early verses in vernacular Chinese, the poetry in late QingDynasty makes preparation and accumulation for their appearance by its “gradual newnovelty” in practice. The thesis begins with the inspiration of the improved poetry in lateQing Dynasty for the early vernacular verses, reveals the latter’s influences on thelinguistic style of the Chinese classical poetry on anti-tradition standpoint and their newtext style they appears on the basis of analysis of poetic theory and text.There are four chapters in the thesis. The first chapter analyzes the improvementprogress of Chinese classical poetry and its influence on the early verses in Chinesevernacular. The second chapter explores the theoretic revision and practical improvementin literary creation on the anti-tradition position. The third chapter tries to describe theprocess and method of which the early vernacular verses are influenced by Chineseclassical poetry and become pure vernacular verse. The fourth chapter reveals the new textstyle of the early vernacular verses appeared in grammatical rule, phonologic system andverbal image.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Early verses, the Chinese classical poetry, relationship, evolve
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