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A Corpus-based Contrastive Study Of News Reports On Global Climate Conference

Posted on:2013-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374960390Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Critical Discourse Analysis, a multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary method of linguistic study, revealsthe unprivileged ideology and inequality of power beneath the language structure and wording.Social-Political insight has gradually been introduced into Critical Discourse Analysis, because of whosesocial feature, interpretation and historical association. News discourse as a sort of the non-literary publictexts becomes one of the popular research objects in critical discourse analysis.The primary objectives of current thesis mean to make a few contributions on critical discourseanalysis in the field of social political news reporting. It attempts to answer the following two questions:(1)What sorts of ideologies are conveyed by the Chinese and American news reports on the issue of2011Durban Climate Change Conference by use of the language strategies?(2) Are there any similaritiesbetween two countries’ news reports on issues of global climate change? If there are, what are thesimilarities of this sort of reports? If there are not, what different features are presented?Applying Fairclough’s three-dimensional model as theoretical framework and taking Halliday’ssystemic-functional grammar as analytical tool, the current thesis conducts a comparative analysisqualitatively and quantitatively of news reports extracted from two different news resources China Dailyand The New York Times on2011Durban Climate Change Conference. The study reveals that both Chinamedia and American media are subject to their own ideological preference politically and economically inthe climate news reporting in spite of their attempting to maintain impartial images.
Keywords/Search Tags:critical discourse analysis, news report, ideology
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