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Elegant Refined Quality And Qing Hua Rock

Posted on:2013-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374996905Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hua Yan is "in the Qing Dynasty Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity" enjoyed a high reputation of the" Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " one of, he is painting, good book, can the poem, called" sanjue". Hua Yan settled today mainly in the painting world, especially his work and workers take to write small birds and flowers freehand brushwork, and eight ink freehand brushwork and Yun Nantian" sketch, and known as the Qing Dynasty flower-and-bird painting three creative contributions, to the late Qing Dynasty and modern painting development plays an important enlightening role. But in his calligraphy attainments are high, the book near Yun Nantian, Chen Hongshou, far from the Jin Tang, both of the calligraphy of Zhong Yao officinalis, also have two spirit and calligraphy, won the taste. The" elegant refined, quality and style of calligraphy" in the" eight Yangzhou become an independent school.’With the" Eight Wonders of Yangzhou" to other members of contrast, found Hua Yan’s calligraphy is influenced by Shi Tae art thought and stele study effect, but he is able to uphold the style of his own needs, additional monarch paths, have a style of one’s own, in the carelessly sway in exceeding all expectations interest and charm.Hua Yan paid attention to the character, knowledge and culture, pay attention to the poem, book, painting with wide hunt, claimed on the basis of previous experience to promote" to express individuality, my method", open up a fresh outlook, create new in order to be different calligraphic works. In particular, Hua Yan from a folk into a poem calligraphy and painting for the occupation of literati painters, a multiplier. Its tortuous and legendary life and art of modern book on our furniture has great enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hua Yan, Calligraphy art, Of outstanding ability refined, Article nature concurrently
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