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Color Synaesthesia Value In Aesthetic Activities

Posted on:2013-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395967501Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The color is a very important component in the objective world and objective world, including the reality of the universe, nature, human society. Color formation can not be separated from the joint action of the objective environment and subjective factors in human society in the era of hunting and fishing and farming, scientific understanding of color or lack of it is even less understanding of color synaesthesia. However, the human society on the use of color has been ten thousand years of history. Through his (her) in repeated labor, art, painting practice, gradually realize that color can produce psychological and ideological responses, the use of these reactions can be reality, so the existence and value of the color synaesthesia only a realistic basis. In modern times, scientists discovered that light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain wavelength range, and there was light to see the colors, red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple will not harm humans and animals, the optic nerve in the visible spectrum color. Color synesthesia is the color of light (color) formed after the organ of vision pass in the central nervous feeling, and association and the role of psychological and thinking. Color synesthesia is not only limited within the scope of the practice of art and painting, but also exist in people’s daily life. Color synaesthesia is a prerequisite for aesthetic and aesthetic experience, aesthetic, including the form of general and specialized, but there are points of high and low levels in the aesthetic activity to. There are aesthetic and generalizing the aesthetic activities in their daily lives every moment, that is. pan-aesthetic experience; aesthetic and aesthetic activities conducted by the special group of artists, painters, scholars, and literary people of color synesthesia, easy access to high-level, and can be quickly converted into pure aesthetic experience and aesthetic effect. As:the beautification of the frescoes of the primitive society and daily utensils, the role of color synesthesia, but there are differences of aesthetic experience:to the Tang and Song Dynasties, the art of painting is not only aesthetic special court and literati, this pure aesthetic experience from the small number of specific class gradually extended to the ordinary folk artist class, so only the gradual emergence of folk art and professional painter. The art of painting has been in influencing the arts and crafts, architecture, sculpture and other plastic arts, color synaesthesia also invisible unintentionally become important formal beauty of one of those plastic arts. It is because of its role, only rich material and spiritual life of ancient people left a valuable art and art heritage, and to today. Color synesthesia in the daily life of the foreign art practice also exist. The authority of religion is to educate believers and the world through the color synaesthesia, their red and purple for the sacred, the supremacy of the inviolability of color in ancient Europe. After the European Renaissance, the natural sciences and engineering school of art a very profound impact, and led to the development and prosperity of the European art of painting. Three giants of the Renaissance, European painting and oil painting to the whole world, so that later in France, Germany, the Netherlands. Spain and Russia have emerged in the golden age of painting and oil painting, the emergence of a large number of renowned the world of the painter and art theorist. France for various periods of drawing and painting schools will be the development of the use of color to new heights, the high is more representative of the Impressionist painter Cezanne, Manet, Monet, the use of color synesthesia to the extreme, thus creating a precedent for the modern genre. Light, color, shadow, shape, intelligence, points, lines, surfaces have been applied to the painting and oil painting, and the formation of Fauvism, Cubism, expressionism. Symbolist, surrealist. Dada. light S&P the difference of the aesthetic form of pie huge oil painting art form. To fill the many gaps in the painting, to break the limitations of traditional painting and modern painting, pure painting and pan-drawing, painting and reality, the painter with the public, led to modern and contemporary art and painting a lot of thinking. Also in Europe, with the rise and development of the second industrial revolution in Western Europe, the aesthetic ideas of the people of Europe a great deal of change, design arts of handicraft production quickly developed into a relatively independent art form, and become an important part of city life. From daily necessities design to industrial design, the use of the breadth and depth of color has undergone tremendous changes. Bauhaus design innovations, the production of all products of industrial society are integrated into the art of color, many business people start to notice the color synesthesia not only has the traditional purely aesthetic value, but also has commercial and economic value. Like in fashion design, packaging design, furniture design, commodity design, advertising design can not do without color synesthesia’s role. Color synesthesia can attract consumers, open up the market.Into the late1940s, with the rapid development of computer application technology, aerospace technology and new materials technology, the aesthetic value and practical value of the color synaesthesia and then once to get the embodiment. High-tech color synaesthesia extends to all aspects of people’s material and spiritual life, a variety of enterprise labor uniforms should be designed in accordance with the work environment and characteristics. Like the uniform color of the high-tech enterprises and departments are generally white, white in the light of nature, it is the sum of all the colors of the spectrum, are all-optical color, the source of million colors. White brightness value is the highest, most strongly to the optic nerve to stimulate the saturation of white reflex. Distribution in the static electronic intensive areas, white light can play the role of exclusion static electronic, so many high-tech industry must wear white clothes hanging. Cold, warm electronic signal transmission and imaging technology is a very broad, computers, televisions, mobile phones, monitor screen satellite navigation display, light, electricity, shadow, color and shape as one of the high-tech product. The bright lights of color not only to people’s lives, work, learning, communication, entertainment and leisure have brought great convenience, and all walks of life to bring practical value, and promote social development and prosperity, we can see. color synaesthesia the actual use is very extensive.Value in aesthetic activity for color synesthesia, the use and value of further study. Aesthetic activities and human society are inseparable from human activities is built on top of the perception of the basic material production, when the color into the human physical activity, mental activity and thinking, the subject to get a broader life experience, these life experience and continue to enrich the inner world of the subject, ie. image of the world. Color synesthesia in aesthetic activity, can stimulate the aesthetic subject association for a variety of places and in the concrete, abstract, a total sense of association. so that the spirit of joy and pleasure. Because color is an integrated discipline, so this article will be divided into six chapters to describe the specific process to produce color synesthesia, in practical research it in depth deconstruction and combination of psychology, physiology, aesthetics, art and other subjects to study, in accordance with the basic laws and principles of various disciplines to compare, analyze, learn from and synthesis, through first-hand the raw data segment of specific The human society is a very complicated system, the various effects of this system, the same can not be separated by color synaesthesia research, this research work will be divided into four steps:First, read the color synaesthesia related books, its theoretical and practical performance analysis, scientific analysis and summary of this concept; collected from the pre-psychology, color science, aesthetics, art, foreign art in the history of sort and filter, examples and color synaesthesia induction and conclusion, and to prepare a thesis writing framework; Third, in the medium term, to the edge of research while writing, while improving, want first-hand information on the thesis writing, and the data re-inspection and adjustment; Fourth, to examine the actual situation, to judge the papers, listen to the views of others, delete the wrong text, form a complete paper. The only systematic study of two major attributes of color synaesthesia. in order to dig out its aesthetic value and practical value. This paper attempts from the field of daily life and art to describe the specific process to produce color synesthesia. color examples of intuitive and works to explain is how to produce synaesthesia. Can be found in the study of the interaction between the color can not be separated from the light, object and subject, not simply for the art in terms of color. Pass from the resulting color was to stimulate people’s aesthetic of this process, the lack of physical factors, biological factors, psychological factors, factors of thinking, and aesthetic factors. Color formation is the role of optical radiation, the light entering the human (animal) eye on the retina a pair of light-sensitive sense of color cell will immediately absorb the light, and light to convey the color of light to the central nervous processing, handling finished will be the color information quickly to other organs cause physiological responses, and then will produce psychological and thinking responses. In real life people almost do not feel these processes. Aesthetic activities and aesthetic experience conducted. Visible color synesthesia in the development of globalization, urbanization, networking and personalized contemporary has been generalization and refinement. Color synesthesia aesthetic value can be further applied to various fields of social economy, it is not only the aesthetic value and enlightenment functions in the traditional sense, but its economic value, cultural value and social value. From the food, clothing, housing, the line used in the aesthetic, from psychology to the design discipline, from art to learn science and technology industries, color synaesthesia use value has been reflected.We can further tap its value to people’s lives, artistic creation, creative arts, design, creativity and other academic disciplines services, so that its efficiency is given full play. With the rapid development of our society, people’s lives greatly improved, and the requirements of the people’s spiritual and cultural and artistic life are constantly improving. People and artists (art practitioners) in life, creation, design, work, become increasingly dependent on multi-color synaesthesia value, mining more color synaesthesia multi-use value, can further improve the living standards of the people, art creative level, the level of creative arts, design and creative levels, and improvement of theoretical discipline system.
Keywords/Search Tags:color svnaesthesia, aesthetic activities, the value of art
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