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The Legalization Of "House With Limited Property" And The Methods To Realize It

Posted on:2012-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C TuFull Text:PDF
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As the unique product of the dibasic land system for china’s rural and urban areas, the "House with limited property" has been spreading into almost every city in china in recent years.According to the data revealed by State Statistics Bureau, the number of "House with limited property"in many cities including Beijing takes up more than 32 percent market share of all the real estate market.Experts、scholars、medias as well as ordinary people have made many fierce discussions about whether the"House with limited property" should be legalized,at the same time relevant departments have made special investigation and research into this problem, local governments have put in place a lot of related polices to crack down the"House with limited property"market.There are two totally different points about whether the"House with limited property" can be freely transferred and whether it is legalized.Persons who support it insist that "House with limited property"can effectively raise the life quality of peasant’s.Moreove in some way "House with limited property"is able to curb the quickly raising house price and the development of real estate market can go in a healthy way.They also believe that the legalization of "House with limited property" is a very significant step to rehabilitate the ownership of collective land.But persons who oppose it argue that "House with limited property" is not only a disregard but also a defy to the law and rule in china.The emerges of the "House with limited property" has posed a serious threat to the security of china’s arable land.The general structure of this paper can be divided by several parts as below:The first part is the preface which begins with the background to fix the topic and the researching meaning of it.It also includes the definition of the researching area and do some introduction about researching method and innovation. The second part will bring you to know the situation and causes of the "House with limited property".The author will analyze the reason in systemic and social ways. The third part will elaborate the necessity of the legalization of the "House with limited property".The forth part will come up with the practical methods to legalize the "House with limited property".
Keywords/Search Tags:House with limited property, collective land system, the land use right of collective land, legalization
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