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Study On The Reform And Improvement Of The People Jury System

Posted on:2012-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W DiFull Text:PDF
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The jury system is a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and an important part. Implementation of the jury system, so that the people elected representatives directly involved in the trial, the trial court placed the people working under the supervision of the people’s court of justice for the people is the direct embodiment of idea. The jury system is a national judicial organs to absorb part of the population represented in the trials of the system, which aims to attract no judicial experience, expertise and participation in the case to the general public in order to achieve the expansion of judicial democracy, promote open justice, protection of justice, enhance the legal education and other goals.The jury system of justice in the courts to play a certain role, to participate in the case to the jury, the court case, few people to ease the conflict, to perform the duties of judicial activities of supervision by the masses, set up the court and the people connected bridge, played a good judicial and social effects. But it is undeniable that the system whether in legislation or in judicial practice, there are still many problems. This article attempts to analyze the Western jury system overview, content, features to start, then introduced analysis of the people’s jury system, the implementation of the status quo, pointing out its problems, drawing on Western art experiences, the system in our country’s legislative suggestions for improvement, with a view to our future people’s Jury System modest contribution to special legislation.
Keywords/Search Tags:People Jury System, Justice, Legislation
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